Biyernes, Oktubre 7, 2011

Modes Of Paragraph Development

Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge. This system uses observation and experimentation to describe and explain natural phenomena. The term science also refers to the organized body of knowledge people have gained using that system. Less formally, the word science often describes any systematic field of study or the knowledge gained from it. One of the purposes of science is to produce useful models of reality.


Science has classifications; these are applied science and pure science. Applied science: - Applied science is the exact science of applying knowledge from one or more natural scientific fields to practical problems. Many applied sciences can be considered forms of engineering. Applied science is important for technology development. Its use in industrial settings is usually referred to as research and development (R&D) while pure science, also called basic science, is the exact science of the development of scientific theories. This research is done at times without consideration of their application, and at other times aims to answer phenomena and possible mechanisms proposed in applied science. It is the counterpart of applied science. Pure science is sometimes used to refer specifically to physics and pure mathematics, but chemistry and biology may also be considered as examples. Science can come from many different forms and measures but still, everything we see around outside depends on science to live on. For example, a car uses technology from science which helps create, produce, plan and take care of the car itself. Pure science has many meanings of ingeniousness and wonders which can leave your mind astounded at the things that science can do to our future and present world.

Process Analysis

       As a child we use to wonder about the things we see around, one of those is a rock. How rock is formed? Rock is continuously being formed from one type to another. The continues changing of rock over long periods of time is called a rock cycle. Rock cycle starts from the melting of a Metamorphic rock that will eventually become a magma. Immediately after undergoing cooling and hardening it will become an igneous rock. Then weathering and erosion will turn it to sediments. Those sediments will be compacted and cemented to become a sedimentary rock. Finally, due to high temperature, it will become a metamorphic rock again and the rock cycle will continue.

Comparison and Contrast

Rocks and Plants are seen almost everywhere. Without our knowing, these two are alike in many ways. Both of them possess very useful information about what has happened in the past, thus, they hold clues to the history of the creation of earth. Also both of them serve as silent witnesses to the cataclysms our planet has experienced, from the First World War up to the present wars that happen ubiquitously. However, though both of them hold many stories, they still differ in a way that plants decay more easily compared to rocks; therefore, plants certainly have a lesser life span.

Science and Technology paved the way on modernization and technology. These two are also the main reasons behind the making of the all-time favorite of the Filipinos-movies. Here are some factors that contribute to a good movie. First is the storyline/plot: In order to make a good movie, you need to catch the attention of the viewers. If the story is uninteresting from the beginning then people will not be interested in seeing what happens next. The second is Character Development: The people must know something about the characters. Often, the viewers are only interested on what will happen to the main characters of the movie. The third one is the Casting: There are some situations where in the chosen actor didn't fit the role he was playing in a movie and just turned the viewer off to the movie as a whole. The last one is the Music: It sets the mood for the scene and can either make or break a scene.

Description of a Mechanism

      Because of modernization, scientists have now invented one of the coolest stuff most of the teenagers want. This is what we call Tablet PC (Personal Computer). It is a tablet-sized computer that has all the features of a full-size personal computer. It is equipped with a rotatable touchscreen as an input device. What’s best about it is that it is easily carried. There is now a less hustle in bringing it to other places. Also, tablet pc has now become a fashion statement. It gives others an idea to what is your status in the society.


Astronomy is one of the many branches of Science. It is a very interesting and fascinating topic for Astronomy examines the life in the Universe. I am really amazed by the studies of some astronomers that led to great discoveries. One of which is the discovery of a new planet next to Pluto. This only proves that Astronomy is a very breathtaking topic to be explored.


       Everyone knows about Thomas Edison. He was the one behind the light bulbs that we use in our house. But most of us don’t know how he created it. On October 22, 1879, Edison had his first successful test with Platinum and Carbon filament. At first, even he created a light out of those filaments, he was not satisfied, so he repeated the experiment and took him 40 hours before he achieved and created the very first successful light bulb. As a proud inventor, on November 4, 1879, he filed for its patency and that became the mark for him to be credited as the man behind light bulbs.


One of the most controversial questions now includes Science and Alternative healing methods. “What is more effective, the use of medicines or the use of natural healing methods such as using guava leaves and many more?.” Supporters of medical treatment argue that medicine should be trusted since it is already effective and scientifically proven. They believe that there is no need for alternative healing techniques such as hilot and the like. For them, there is medicine that can kill our pain, x-rays that show us our fractured bones or MRI that scans our brain for tumors. However, supporters of alternative healing treatment complain that we pay huge amounts of money for medical treatments yet instead of getting better, we feel addicted. Hilot is usually just a mile away from you. And also it is the more economical way of healing. Personally, I definitely agree with the use of medicine and absolutely oppose the use of medicinal plants in treating other diseases. It’s just a waste of time.

Cause and Effect

Due to all the technologies available today, Science has affected even our way of living or the so-called lifestyle. It has intervened even in the foods we eat. But because of the processed and instant foods available today in the market, our life expectancy is now believed to be decreasing continuously. Processed foods are foods that have been compromised by the addition of flavorings, additives, preservatives, unnatural genetic material or other chemical or heat treatments that alter or destroy the natural healthy enzymes, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Its main goal is to lengthen the shelf life of foods so that larger amounts can be sold over time. However, due to this our resistant to disease also lessens. We even acquire, kidney diseases that are very difficult to cure.

                  Science and its limits
By Ma. Eliza Diosa T. Pascasio

The word Science brings to mind many different questions: “How does a baby develop?”, “What are the different parts of the smallest creature on Earth?”, “Did dinosaurs really exist?”. All of these questions prove one thing - that Science is powerful. It has generated the knowledge that allows us to keep in touch with a long lost friend through social networking sites such as Facebook, prevent people from having diseases through Vaccination, and be able to obtain knowledge through online learning programs available in the Internet.
Science is very useful. It helps us answer many questions for Science refers to a system of acquiring knowledge. This system uses observation and experimentation to describe and explain even natural phenomena. These are the reasons that make Science very exciting. Some even think that its capabilities seem endless, but it is not. Science also has its limits.
“When should I go to school?”, “What should I do to earn money?”, “What is his first impression on me?”. Questions like these sometimes just come out in our minds and are very important, but scientific research will not answer them. Science can help us learn about terminologies and even history— and that knowledge can inform our opinions and decisions. But at the end of the day, we still make moral judgments. Science helps us describe how the world is, but it cannot make any judgments about whether that state of affairs is right, wrong, good, or bad.
Also, Science doesn't tell us how to use scientific knowledge. Although, scientists really care deeply about how their discoveries are used, science itself doesn't indicate what should be done with scientific knowledge. For example, Science can show us how our bones our organized, but it doesn't specify whether we should use that knowledge to correct a disease and develop an abnormalities.
For almost any important scientific advance, one can imagine both positive and negative ways that knowledge could be used. Again, science helps us describe how the world is, and then we have to decide how to use that knowledge.
Lastly, Science doesn't draw conclusions about unearthly explanations. “Did the aliens really help our ancestors built the pyramid of Giza?” “Do gods really exist?” “Do supernatural entities intervene in human affairs?”. These questions may be important for us to know our real history and whereabouts, but science won't help us answer them. Questions that deal with supernatural explanations are, by definition, beyond the realm of nature — and hence, also beyond the realm of what can be studied by science. For many, such questions are matters of personal faith and spirituality.
Moral judgments, decisions about applications of science, and conclusions about the supernatural are outside the realm of science, but that doesn't mean that these realms are unimportant. In fact, these fundamentally influence the society and how the society interacts with science. However, questions that arise within these domains generally cannot be resolved by science.


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